

Why are you emailing me about giving parental consent?

If a member indicates they are a child, privacy laws may require a parent or guardian to provide permission for them to access an application or service that collects personal information. To comply with these laws, we need to verify that the person providing consent for their child to access that service is in fact an adult.

Your email was provided by a child who has created a Matchday Master account.

The email you receive will include a link to a process in your web browser that will allow you to provide consent for your child. As part of the process, you will be asked to confirm that you are the child’s parent or guardian and to verify that you are an adult.

If you don’t follow the link in your email to provide permission, your child will be denied access to the application.

Why do I need to grant my child permission to access this service?

If a member indicates they are under the age of digital consent in their country, privacy laws may require a parent or guardian to provide permission for them to access certain features of applications or services that collect personal information.

If your child is under 13 (or the age of digital consent in their region) their account will not have access until you provide permission, or until they reach the age of digital consent in their region.

What personal information is collected when a child creates an account?

When a player under 13 or under the age of digital consent in their country, whichever is higher, creates an account, their account will be restricted until they receive a parent or guardian’s permission.

Why do you need my personal information to verify my identity?

If a member indicates they are a child, privacy laws may require a parent or guardian to provide permission for them to access an application or service that collects personal information. To comply with these laws, we need to verify that the person providing consent for their child to access that service is in fact an adult.

Matchday Master has partnered with SuperAwesome, the leading parental consent and verification platform, for this service. SuperAwesome offers several ways to verify that you are an adult depending on which country your child is in. The information provided is only used for verification purposes and is not saved.

Who is SuperAwesome?

SuperAwesome operates technology and services to make the internet safer for kids and teens. SuperAwesome’s Kids Web Services (KWS) platform enables developers to manage parental consent and to verify the identity of parents or guardians when granting their children permission to access services and use features that collect personal information.

For more information please visit

How does the SuperAwesome parent verification process work?

Once a parent or guardian has provided consent for their child to access features in a digital service, SuperAwesome will give the parent a choice of methods to verify that they are in fact an adult. This verification step is part of a process known as “verifiable parental consent”, which is required by certain privacy laws to help ensure that the person providing consent is the parent.

Methods to verify that the parent is an adult may include making a small refundable charge to a credit card, checking a social security number against a government database, or scanning a physical identification card. The information provided by the parent or guardian is only used for verification purposes and is not saved.

What verification methods are available in my country?

When prompted to verify you’re an adult, you’ll only see the verification methods that apply to you. These depend on the country your child is in.

Types of verification methods:

  • Credit or Debit Card (available globally)
  • Social Security Number (available only in the US)
  • CPF Number (available only in Brazil)
  • CURP (available only in Mexico)
  • ID Scan (available outside the US and South Korea)
  • Face Scan (available outside the US and South Korea)

Credit or debit card verification (available globally)

A successful monetary transaction on a credit or debit card helps verify you’re an adult. It’s also likely that you have oversight on any transactions made on the card, so you will know if it has been used for a verification.

Credit and debit card verification works differently depending on whether you are located in the US or the rest of the world.

If your child is located in the US, $0.50 (USD) is charged to your card. This is refunded within 8-13 business days.

If your child is located outside of the US, there is no charge to your card. Instead, a small amount is temporarily authorized against your card and then released.

This service is provided by payment processor Stripe, but SuperAwesome will appear as the merchant associated with the charge/authorisation on your statement.

Learn more about how Stripe handles personal information in their privacy policy.

Social Security Number verification (available only in the US)

Your first name, last name, date of birth, address, zip code and the last 4 digits of your social security number (SSN) are checked against a government database to confirm you’re an adult. This service is provided by Veratad.

Learn more about how Veratad handles personal information in their privacy policy.

CPF Number verification (available only in Brazil)

Your date of birth and CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) ID number are checked against a government database to confirm you’re an adult. This service is provided by Serpro.

Learn more about how Serpro handles personal information in their privacy policy.

CURP verification (available only in Mexico)

Your first name, maternal last name, paternal last name, and CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población) ID number are checked against a government database to confirm you’re an adult. This service is provided by Nubarium.

Learn more about how Nubarium handles personal information in their privacy policy.

ID Scan verification (available outside the US and South Korea)

The front and back of your physical ID card, or your passport, is checked against trusted databases to confirm you’re an adult. For best results, we suggest using a valid passport or driver’s license. In some regions, we also accept government IDs and citizenship cards. This service is provided by Veratad or Veriff.

Learn more about how Veriff handles personal information in their privacy policy.

Face Scan verification (available in all countries except the US and South Korea)

The camera on your phone, laptop, or tablet is used to scan your facial features to estimate your age. This service is provided by our partner Yoti. If you believe Yoti has incorrectly estimated that you are not an adult, please choose another verification method and try again.

Learn more about how Yoti handles personal information in their privacy policy.

The verification method I tried did not work in my country

The SuperAwesome service shows you verification methods that are appropriate to the country your child’s account is connected to. It may be that you are in a different country than your child, or that your child has changed the country of their account to one that is different than the one they are in. To fix the issue please try the following:

Go back in the flow and select another method, such as credit card or face scan (if available), that may work regardless of which country you’re in.

If that does not work, please contact support by clicking here.

Will you need to collect my personal information more than once to verify me?

Once you are verified as a parent/guardian, SuperAwesome remembers this across applications and services that use its technology. This minimises personal data processing, since you only provide your verification details once, and it makes it easier for parents to grant permissions across the many digital experiences their children sign up for.

SuperAwesome calls this network of verified parents/guardians the “ParentGraph”. The ParentGraph stores a scrambled (hashed) version of your email address next to your verified status. In this form, your email address can’t be read or used by anyone. You’re only confirmed as verified if your child provides the same email address when signing up for another service that uses SuperAwesome’s technology.

A parent or guardian may have to verify themselves again if:

The application or service has not enabled the verification method (such as credit card, ID scan, etc.) that the parent or guardian used before.

After verification, the parent or guardian asked SuperAwesome to remove them from the ParentGraph.

SuperAwesome will remove you from the ParentGraph if you ask them to. To request removal, follow the link at the bottom of the email you received after you successfully verified as a parent. You will be asked to confirm your request.

Is the information I provide during the parent verification process stored?

Neither Matchday Master nor SuperAwesome stores credit or debit card details, national ID numbers or face scans provided during the adult verification process. The information provided is only used for verification purposes and is not saved.

SuperAwesome’s KWS privacy policy explains how SuperAwesome collects and processes your personal data.

Why was my credit or debit card charged by SuperAwesome?

When verifying your identity with a Credit or Debit Card, SuperAwesome will perform a monetary transaction.

If your child is located in the US, $0.50 (USD) is charged to your card. This is refunded within 8-13 business days.

If your child is located outside of the US, there is no charge to your card. Instead, a small amount is temporarily authorised against your card and then released.

You say my card isn’t charged, but I can see an amount deducted in my bank statement

If you see the charge in your bank statement, rest assured that the charge is not permanent. Some banks show the pre-authorisation as a temporary charge when the pre-authorisation period crosses the end of a statement period. The charge will nevertheless be released and show as a reversal in your next statement.

If your child is located in the US, the amount you see on your statement is a charge, but will be refunded in 8-13 business days.

Please contact your bank for more information.

I’ve granted permission for my child. How can I revoke permission?

Matchday Master wants to empower families with tools that enable them to make informed decisions about their digital experience. You can contact us to change your child’s permissions at any time.

How can I delete my child’s account?

You can submit a support request by clicking here. You will need to go through additional verification steps to demonstrate that you are the parent of this account holder to delete the account.